One of my co-workers at Nikon was hired by a local cable company for an add for a new kid's friendly remote control that they were advertising.  He asked me if he could take pictures of one of my daughters for the add and I knew right away that Mia was the girl for this task.  She LOVES the camera and the camera adores her.

I took Camila to the beauty salon to have her hair blow dried for the first time in her life and that day I decided that I was never going to spend that money again.  Her hair is beautiful as it is and it honestly looked the same that it looks everyday after she makes peace with the comb.  Good lesson learned.

He set up all the photography equipment at my garage and did all the shooting.  Funny thing is that he forgot the actual remote at home and we had to improvise a remote and then let Photoshop work its magic in order to switch the remote on the picture for the add (gotta love Photoshop).  My friend Perla was home with us that day and she helped with the lighting.  Of course, I was the photographer on the back of the photographer taking pictures of them:

The add was in newspapers, magazines and boards for several months.... here and even in Mexico.
Posted by 3LittleFlowers On 5:01 PM No comments

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