When would I stop blogging about school? Uhmm... Not anytime soon!! Im so excited as I have so many goals and good vibes about this coming year!! The meeting with Mia's teacher was at 8am, and the one with Gaby's teacher was at 10am. Both meeting were great... They explained all the things that they look forward for the kids to accomplish this year, and all the rules and directions. They emphasized about all the effords that they are planning to make to have an excellent comunication 'home-school'. Each grade will have a color to represent them, and the grades that have two groups will each one have a different color.

Mia's Program:
Mia will be attending Nursery Blue. It is the class for the 2 years olds kids. There are 14 kids enrolled (there is only place for one more), and instead of having one teacher and one assistant, they are going to have 2 teachers. Each teacher will be in charge of 7 of the kids, even though they will all going to be in the same classroom.

Her class is 100% in Spanish, as they dont introduce English until they are 3 years old. They were encouraging us to use complete words with them, and not use cutesy words, as one of the goals for this school year if for them to have a clear pronuntiation. They also commented that they dont allow the kids to bring toys and use bottles, and I think Mia is actually the only one that doesnt use a bottle anymore, as all the parents started asking for directions on how to deal with that. They also encourage us to make the kids to have breakfast at home, and send a snack for them to eat at school, instead to sending the breakfast to school. They showed us all the corners that they have in the classroom (books, dramatic, textures, blocks, circle, kitchen, art - I think those are all), and show us the method that they will use for the kids to use them.

Mia will be having Phys Ed classes, and Psicomotricity classes two times a week. The psicomotricity classes are focused to help the kids develop their gross motor skills: balance, body awareness, laterality [awareness of the left and right sides of the body], major muscle coordination, and spatial orientation. There will also be Arts and Muscis classes!!! I think Mia will be have a great time!

Gaby's Program:
Gaby will be in the Kinder Purple (hence why we are buying everything purple + it is her favorite color!). Gaby's old preschool was 100% in English, as they introduce Spanish in First Grade... This school, is mostly in English, too, however Gaby will be taking Spanish classes three time a week during one period. The Spanish part would be mostly for her to learn the basic phonemes, in order for her to write and read simple sentences. On the English part, she will be taking Language Arts (mostly phonics, vocabulary, writing, reading, comprehenssion, spelling), Math, Social Studies and Science. Both teachers (the Spanish teacher and English teacher), and the teacher's aide are REALLY nice!

Gaby will be also taking the same co-currilar classes that Mia will be taking, except for Psicomotricity class... Also, she will be taking computer classes, and this time [for the first time], she wont take that class with daddy (as he will only teach Middle and High School this year).

I cant wait to see all the things that they girls will learn this year!
Posted by 3LittleFlowers On 5:04 PM 1 comment

1 Lovely comments :

Heather said...

Sounds great! very exciting! So jealous of the dual language. I would get that at home but not on the road, ugh!


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