When I was a kid, and while growing up people used to ask for the lowest coin available. So, since a few years all you hear is: Deme un peso por favor (Give me one peso, please). Im one of those peoples that NEVER give them anything especially if I see nothing wrong with them. I prefer to give something to a kid that is actually working in the streets (Sad thing, but is the reality), and I cant stand a man asking for money in the street just bc it has any kind of disability. I understand that there are disabilities that doesn’t make it easy to work, but there are so many things that can be done with one arm or one leg, of course, when YOU want to do something…. It will be always easier just to ask for money.

Hubby and I couldn’t keep laughing cause today every single person who asked us for money said: Deme DOS pesos, por favor (Give me two pesos, please)…. Is this some kind of joke??? TWO pesos??? I guess now they are including a HOLIDAY BONUS in the money they ask!!!! LOL
Posted by 3LittleFlowers On 1:24 PM No comments

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